I'm now with SAIC, working on science payload support for the ISS Program. I decided my future wasn't in simulation development. SAIC is willing to get me certified in systems engineering and my new management is explicitly supportive of my goal to eventually work on lunar mission planning. It's only been three months, but I've already had my first evaluation and my first raise!
For all this week, I am in Florida at Kennedy Space Center for hardware testing on one of the payloads my office sponsors. I didn't get much sleep last night, but it was worth it to see the Delta II rocket launch. My first launch viewing ever!
The end of my trip will be capped - weather permitting - by watching the Shuttle land on Saturday. Then, I'll catch a flight back to Houston to spend the remainder of the weekend at home.
Between OpenNASA.com, the Cosmo.Sphere blog, working on the JSC Barrier Analysis team, doing my day job, and maintaining some semblance of a personal life (Oh, and the hurricane in September!), I haven't updated this blog as often as I should.