04 April 2007

It's not official... yet...

... because HR hasn't done their thing. But it looks like I'm going to work for Lockheed Martin.

My interview with the gentleman who is most probably going to be my new boss went extremely well today. He said that he is going to tell HR that he wants me for the job as soon as they respond to his e-mail and completely sold me on the idea that this is the place I want to be.

My friend that helped set this up said she dropped by his office a little while ago to ask how it went. His answer was, "We'll take him!"

My new job will be to help set and manage the requirements and specifications for the new crew exploration vehicle. I'll essentially be responsible, along with the rest of the team, for ensuring that the Orion does what Lockheed Martin tells NASA it is supposed to do and communicating those requirements to the teams responsible for building its sub-systems.

I'm gonna help build spaceships for a living. I'm going to get to live my dream. I'm grinning from ear to ear right now. :)

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