19 April 2007


Lockheed moved faster than I expected. The recruiter got everything signed off today and was authorized to email me the offer. I have a week to decide and, if I say yes, fax the form back to her. I guess her bosses didn't want to give L3 any extra time to get an offer together. I left a message with the senior program manager at L3 this morning.


Unknown said...

Which job do you want?

Phalanx said...

Well, I guess that depends on which job L3 offers me on Monday. They called me back today to ask me not to make any decisions until they explain the formal offer on Monday.

I'm leaning towards the Lockheed offer at the moment, but I've not ruled L3 out entirely. If the pay is substantially better and the job is to work on Constellation/Orion projects, L3 could come from behind for a victory here.

If L3 offers me a job with their Shuttle or International Space Station projects, it's a non-starter. Those programs are ending and I would rather be on the ground floor of the new project.